
1.  Essay Paper for UPSC  CSE

For the UPSC Exam, essay writing is a crucial component. It is an excellent opportunity for a candidate to score well and improve their overall score.
The UPSC essay carries a total of 250 marks, and a candidate must write two essays, one for each section.
The essay must be between 1000-1200 words.
Both Section A and Section B have four topics, and candidates must choose one from each section.
Since the 2013 change in the UPSC syllabus, one must write two essays in three hours on diverse topics, as opposed to the previous format of one essay in three hours.
The instructions in the UPSC essay paper are clear and expect candidates to stay on topic and organize their thoughts accordingly.
The instructions also emphasize that credit will be given only for effective and coherent expression of thoughts.

2. UPSC Essay Syllabus

The syllabus for UPSC Essay Writing covers some common topics from the economy, current affairs, technology, philosophy, etc. The UPSC essay syllabus is very vast to cover, hence candidates should focus more on practicing the art of essay writing for UPSC than remembering facts and figures about specific topics. Some of the areas that can be practiced for Essay papers in UPSC Mains are as follows:

3. Keywords and Their Meanings

The UPSC Essay Question Papers frequently use certain words and phrases such as evaluating, discussing, critically analyzing or analyzing, examining, and explaining. Understanding these keywords is crucial in crafting the appropriate response.
Here is a detailed explanation of the most commonly used keywords:
  • Evaluate:
To evaluate means to make a decision based on an overall analysis of the pros and cons, supported by evidence.
  • Analyze:
It involves breaking down an issue into sub-parts, explaining their correlation, and concluding with a summary.
  • Critically evaluate:
This requires the writer to exercise their sense of reasoning and provide evidence both to support and refute a statement, before reaching a conclusion.
  • Examine:
This involves discussing the benefits and drawbacks of a topic and reaching a balanced conclusion.
  • Explain:
This keyword follows the How/Why/When pattern and the response should contain relevant facts and implications.
  • Comment:
A comment expresses an opinion or reaction.
  • Discuss:
This is one of the trickiest keywords found in the UPSC Mains Question Papers. It means discussing various perspectives and presenting a logical argument at the end.
  • Elucidate:
Elucidate means to explain the cause-and-effect correlation by providing evidence and examples.

4. How to Improve Marks in UPSC Essay Writing?

An essay is an organized collection of ideas, that are written nicely and professionally presented. Developing the skill to write a good UPSC Essay needs preparation, which comes from practicing UPSC's previous year's question paper and attempting Mocks.
To score some extra points or have an edge over other candidates, while writing an Essay for UPSC Exam, the following pointers should be kept in mind:
  • Never just present problems or be pessimistic. Try giving or suggesting a possible reform or solution to the issue/problem.
  • Avoid writing utopian solutions.
  • Never resort to name-calling or getting personal while writing the essay.
  • Keep in mind that you are appearing for one of the most prestigious services in the nation, so don’t have extreme views. Have and apply the Buddha’s middle path while writing the Essays for UPSC.
  • Present a balanced picture even if your topic is provocative. Critically analyze the topic with its pros and cons.
  • Never resort to criticizing the government or the administration excessively.

  • 5. Essay Book for UPSC

    To excel in the UPSC Essay Paper, one must devote ample time to learning the necessary concepts for the Prelims and Mains, alongside the consistent practice of essay writing on trending topics. Staying up-to-date with current events is crucial while presenting viewpoints, and reading from sources such as EPW, Yojana, or Hindu/The Indian Express editorials can be helpful.

    Several books are available that provide insights into how to approach essay writing for UPSC.

    Some of the popular books in this category include:
    1. Essay for Civil Services by Pulkit Khare,
    2. Book of Essays by Kalpana Rajaram,
    3. Selected Contemporary Essays by Saumitra Mohan,
    4. Mastering Essay and Answer Writing by Dr. Awadesh Singh.
    5. 6. Detail Strategy For Essay Paper

      Preparing for the essay paper in the UPSC Civil Service Exam requires a strategic approach that combines both content knowledge and effective writing skills. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for the essay paper:
      1. Understand the Exam Pattern:

      • The essay paper in UPSC Mains consists of two sections with four topics each.
      • Each section requires you to write two essays. Choose one essay from each section.

      2. Develop a Strong Foundation:

      • Read extensively on a variety of topics, including social, economic, political, environmental, and philosophical issues.
      • Regularly follow newspapers, magazines, and opinion pieces to stay updated on current affairs.

      3. Improve Writing Skills:

      • Work on enhancing your writing skills. Practice writing essays regularly to improve clarity, coherence, and expression.
      • Focus on structuring your essays with a clear introduction, well-developed body paragraphs, and a concise conclusion.

      4. Analytical Approach:

      • Develop an analytical and critical approach to issues. Avoid presenting information in a descriptive manner; instead, analyze and provide insights.
      • Practice writing essays that involve critical analysis and evaluation of different perspectives.

      5. Thesis Statement:

      • Clearly articulate your thesis or main argument in the introduction. It should provide a roadmap for the reader about what to expect in the essay.

      6. Logical Flow of Ideas:

      • Ensure a logical flow of ideas throughout the essay. Each paragraph should seamlessly connect to the next, building a coherent argument.

      7. Balance of Perspectives:

      • Present a balanced view by incorporating different perspectives on the given topic. Acknowledge counter-arguments and provide a nuanced understanding.

      8. Varied Sentence Structure:

      • Use a mix of sentence structures and vocabulary. Avoid repetition and strive for diversity in language to make your essay more engaging.

      9. Relevance to the Topic:

      • Stick to the topic and avoid unnecessary information. Every paragraph should contribute to your overall argument and thesis statement.

      10. Current Affairs Integration:

      Integrate current affairs into your essays to demonstrate a real-world application of your knowledge. Use relevant examples and case studies.

      11. Practice Previous Year Papers:

      Analyze previous years' essay papers to understand the types of topics and the expectations Practice writing essays on a variety of topics to familiarize yourself with different themes.

      12. Time Management:

      -Practice writing essays within the allotted time frame (3 hours for both essays). This helps in developing time management skills for the actual exam.

      13. Peer Review and Feedback:

      Seek feedback from peers, mentors, or teachers. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.

      Review and learn from sample essays to understand the qualities of a well-written essay.

      14. Revision:

      Regularly revise and update your knowledge base. This will help you recall relevant information during the exam.

      15. Be Concise:

      Important to present a comprehensive analysis, avoid unnecessary elaboration. Be concise and to the point.

      16. Emphasize Quality over Quantity:

      - Focus on the quality of your content rather than the quantity. A well-articulated, concise essay is often more effective than a lengthy one.

      17. Stay Calm During the Exam:

      - Manage stress during the exam. Take a few moments to plan your essay before starting to write, and remain focused on your arguments.

      Remember that the essay paper is an opportunity to showcase your understanding, analytical skills, and articulation. Practice, constructive feedback, and continuous improvement are key to excelling in the essay paper of the UPSC Civil Service Exam.

      7. Structure of an Essay

      Breaking an essay into paragraphs is the typical method of structuring. This approach includes an introduction, a conclusion, and body paragraphs. The body paragraphs are where the writer will incorporate all of their content.


      The essay introduction is critical in captivating the reader and establishing a clear direction for the essay. Achieving clarity and conciseness is essential, so it's important to have a well-defined thesis statement that encapsulates the central argument. Use an engaging hook like a thought-provoking question or anecdote to grab the reader's attention. Provide a brief contextual background and establish the relevance of the topic, while outlining the scope and limitations of the essay. Make sure to offer a clear roadmap of the essay's main points and maintain an appropriate tone. Ambiguity should be avoided, and originality is key--be economical with words. A smooth transition to the body paragraphs should be crafted, and revisions made for clarity and impact. Consider the timing of your introduction in the overall writing process. By including these elements, you can create an introduction that effectively sets the stage for an engaging essay.


      When it comes to writing a winning essay for the UPSC Mains Exam, nailing the organization is key. Each paragraph should be like a well-oiled machine, with a snappy topic sentence at the beginning, and convincing evidence to back it up. Don't be afraid to dig deep and analyze your arguments with a critical eye. Keep your thesis statement in mind at all times, and use smooth transitional phrases to glide gracefully between each paragraph. It's also important to show that you're aware of different perspectives, so present a balanced view. Keep things concise and avoid droning on about irrelevant details. Every paragraph should be laser-focused on the topic and thesis, demonstrating your mastery of the subject matter. To keep things fresh, sprinkle in some real-world examples and avoid repeating yourself. And of course, before submitting, give it a good once-over, making sure your ideas are clear, and your arguments flow seamlessly. Follow these tips, and you'll be well on your way to acing your UPSC essay!


      A well-written conclusion is paramount to a successful essay. Don't forget that a strong finish is just as important as a strong opening, as both can significantly improve your grades.

      There are a few proven ways to conclude your essay effectively. You can restate the main points with different phrasing, suggest a path forward, or add a personal comment or relevant anecdote. Another tactic to consider is a cyclic return, where you revisit the discussion introduced in the introduction.

      Regardless of the chosen approach, the conclusion should always have a positive outlook and see the silver lining in the situation. Keep it clear, concise, and focused.

      How to Write Essay in UPSC?

      The Essay Paper in UPSC is no joke! It's the big scorer among the seven papers and can make or break your merit ranking. So, how can you excel? The key is to practice, practice, practice! UPSC Essays have a formal structure, meaning they're less emotional and more factual. Think of it as your chance to showcase your authority on the topic. You'll need to back up your points with hard-hitting stats from government data, recent reports, indices, and the like. But, hold on to your pen, there's more! UPSC Essays don't permit first-person references or chit-chat style, so you need to keep things serious and straightforward. Let's get ready to smash those essays and ace the IAS Exam!

      To summarize, the final list of actions for writing an essay for UPSC exams is as follows:

      • Choose a topic that you are comfortable with and have ample thoughts to express on it.
      • Interpret the essay topic clearly and understand the essence of the question asked.
      • Select a topic from the two sets of topics containing four topics where you have enough material to write on it.
      • Brainstorm your thoughts and write them down in the space provided at the back of the UPSC question paper.
      • Follow the structure of UPSC essay writing, which includes the introduction, historical background (if any), main subject or problem, linkage with current affairs, positive and negative aspects, and future reforms needed.
      • Have a multidimensional approach by adhering to social, political, economic, cultural, legal, international, and humanistic perspectives.
      • Highlight the essential keywords and use them in the introduction paragraphs.
      • Structure the essay well by creating an outline, such as following the Past-Present-Future technique.
      • Use easy language, short sentences, small paragraphs, and lucid sentences while writing.
      • Add data, and quotes, and highlight government schemes and policies to fetch brownie points.