Allocation of symbols to unrecognised Political Parties

GS Paper 2: Transparency & Accountability And Representation of People's Act

The Election Commission of India brought in new rules for the allocation of symbols to Registered Unrecognised Political Parties (RUPPs).

The new rules would come into effect from January 11 this year.

About New rules:
New rules published by Election Commission of India for allocation of symbols to Registered Unrecognised Political Parties (RUPPs) are:

    • Furnish audited accounts of last three financial years,
    • Expenditure statements of last two elections,
    • The signature of the authorised office-bearer of the party along with the application form for symbols.

2014 directions:
In order to ensure transparency, the EC had in 2014 given directions.
RUPPs wanting to avail the benefits of having a common symbol have to submit the proof of having filed up-to-date contribution reports, audited annual accounts, update of election expenditure statements, and their latest organization details.
    • The EC receives the applications from RUPPs in prescribed proforma for allotment of symbols under Provisions of Para 10B of the Election Symbols (Reservation & Allotment) Order, 1968.
    • In September 2022, the EC had de-listed 86 non-existent RUPPs and declared another 253 as ‘Inactive RUPPs.

Political Parties:
Political parties are organized groups of individuals who share similar political beliefs and aims, seeking to influence public policy and attain political power through elections.
They often have specific ideologies, platforms, and candidates to represent their interests.

Registration of political parties:
Political parties in India are registered with the Election Commission of India (ECI).
The registration process involves submitting an application to the ECI, adhering to certain criteria outlined in the Representation of the People Act, 1951.

Recognised and Unrecognised Parties:
The Election Commission of India (ECI) accords recognition to the national level and the state level political parties based upon objective criteria.
A recognised political party enjoys privileges like a reserved party symbol, free broadcast time on state-run television and radio, consultation in the setting of election dates, and giving input in setting electoral rules and regulations.
The Recognised Party status is reviewed periodically by the ECI.

Conditions for recognising as a state or national party:
  • For becoming a state party:
      • Must secure six per cent of the votes during the Assembly elections and two Assembly seats; or
      • Six per cent of votes in the LS from the state and an MP from the state; or Three per cent of total Assembly seats or three seats (whichever is greater); or
      • One MP from every 25 Lok Sabha seats or eight per cent of total votes in the state during the Lok Sabha election from the state or the Assembly polls.
  • For becoming a National Party:
      • If Party is treated as a recognised political party in four or more states.
      • Get at least six per cent votes in four states in addition to four Lok Sabha seats.
      • It won at least two per cent seats in the LS (i.e., 11 seats in the existing House having 543 members).

Related Search:
Election Commission India
Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)

Prelims Specific:
What is a national party?
How is a national party defined?
Eligibility for National Party
Eligibility for State party

SHREYAS for OBC & Others

GS Paper 2: Government policies and interventions for development in various sectors.

Scholarships for Higher Education for Young Achievers Scheme (SHREYAS ) has been proposed to be implemented from 2021-22 to 2025-26 by placing two ongoing Central Sector schemes for OBC and others.

The scheme namely –
1. National Fellowship for OBC
2. Dr. Ambedkar Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for Overseas Studies for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Economically Backward Classes (EBCs).

The main objective of the schemes is the Educational Empowerment of OBC and EBC students by way of awarding fellowships (financial assistance) in obtaining quality higher education and interest subsidies on educational loans for overseas studies.

The Scheme comprises the following two components:

1st Component: National Fellowship for OBC:-
The scheme aims at providing financial assistance to OBC students in obtaining quality higher education leading to degrees such as M.Phil and PhD in universities, research institutions and scientific institutions.

Features of the Scheme:-
The scheme is now implemented by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment through the designated Central Nodal Agency; National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (A Govt. of India Undertaking, under the administrative control of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment).

      • All universities/institutions recognized by the University Grants Commission (UGC) are eligible.
      • The rate of fellowship for JRF level has been increased and w.e.f. 01.01.2023, it is Rs. 37000/- per month and for SRF level it is Rs. 42000/- per month, besides contingencies amount.
      • Out of 1000 slots available under this scheme, 750 will be allocated for the subjects under the National Eligibility Test – Junior Research Fellowship (NET-JRF) of UGC and the remaining 250 UGC-Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (UGC-CSIR) NET JRF joint test (for Science streams).
      • These 1000 slots will be over and above the OBC Students selected under the normal reservation policy of the Government.
      • At least 5% of the total seats should be reserved for students with disabilities while making selection of candidates for award of fellowships by the UGC.

2nd Component: “Dr Ambedkar Scheme of Interest Subsidy on Educational Loans for Overseas Studies for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and Economically Backward Classes (EBCs)”:-
This is a Central Sector Scheme to provide interest subsidy to the students belonging to the OBCs and EBCs on the interest.
It is payable for the period of the moratorium for the Education Loans for overseas studies to pursue approved courses of studies abroad at Masters, M.Phil. and PhD level.

Eligibility requires enrolment in approved courses abroad, following listed guidelines.
  • Income criteria:
    • OBC: Shouldn't surpass Creamy Layer criteria.
    • EBC: Income limit at Rs. 5.00 lakh per annum.
  • Gender reservation:
    • 50% of financial aid is reserved for women.
  • Financial support:
    • The government covers 100% interest during the moratorium period (course duration plus one year or six months after job placement, whichever is earlier) for IBA education loans.
    • Post-moratorium, interest on outstanding loans is the student's responsibility as per the Education Loan Scheme.
  • Loan specifics:
    • Maximum loan limit: Rs. 20 Lakhs.
    • Students handle principal instalments and post-moratorium interest.

Related Search:
One nation, One Student ID
Gyan Sahayak Scheme
Vidya Samiksha Kendra

Prelims Specific:
About SHREYAS for OBC & Others
Sub-scheme of SHREYAS
Features of National Fellowship for OBC
Eligibility of Dr Ambedkar Scheme of Interest


GS Paper 3: Awareness in various sc and tech fields

The Union Cabinet Chaired by the Prime Minister has approved the overarching scheme “PRITHvi VIgyan (PRITHVI)” of the Ministry of Earth Sciences.

    • Implementation will occur during the period from 2021-26 at an overall cost of Rs. 4,797 crore.

Sub-schemes/ Components:
The scheme encompasses five ongoing sub-schemes namely
    • Atmosphere & Climate Research-Modelling Observing Systems & Services (ACROSS)
    • Ocean Services Modelling Application, Resources and Technology (O-SMART)
    • Polar Science and Cryosphere Research (PACER)
    • Seismology and Geosciences (SAGE)
    • Research, Education, Training and Outreach (REACHOUT).

This integration is designed to enhance our understanding of Earth’s systems and apply scientific knowledge for societal, environmental, and economic benefits.

Major Objectives:
  • Augmentation and sustenance of long-term observations of the atmosphere, ocean, geosphere, cryosphere and solid earth to record the vital signs of the Earth System and change.
  • Development of modelling systems for understanding and predicting weather, Ocean and climate hazards and understanding the science of climate change
  • Exploration of polar and high seas regions of the Earth towards the discovery of new phenomena and resources;
  • Development of technology for exploration and sustainable harnessing of oceanic resources for societal applications. 
  • Translation of knowledge and insights from Earth systems science into services for societal, environmental and economic benefit.

    • Earth System Sciences deal with all the five components of the earth system:-  atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, cryosphere, and biosphere and their complex interactions.
    • The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) holistically addresses all the aspects relating to the Earth System Science.
    • The overarching scheme of PRITHVI will holistically address all five components of the earth system to improve the understanding of the Earth System Sciences and to provide reliable services for the country.
    • Various components of the PRITHVI scheme are interdependent and are carried out in an integrated manner through combined efforts of the concerned Institutes under MoES.
    • The overarching scheme of Prithvi Vigyan will enable the development of integrated multi-disciplinary earth science research and innovative programs across different MoES institutes.
    • These integrated R&D efforts will help in addressing the grand challenges of weather and climate, ocean, cryosphere, seismological science and services and explore the living and non-living resources for their sustainable harnessing.

Role of the Ministry of Earth Sciences:-
Vital Service Delivery: The Ministry oversees the provision of essential services concerning weather, climate, oceanic conditions, coastal states, hydrology, seismology, and natural hazards.
Disaster Preparedness Assistance: These services play a pivotal role in issuing forecasts and alerts for natural disasters, contributing significantly to disaster preparedness and reducing risks.

Impact and Future Prospects:-
Confronting Key Hurdles: The scheme’s comprehensive research and development endeavors aim to address substantial hurdles across weather, climate, oceanography, cryospheric studies, and seismology.
Promoting Sustainable Resource Management: It delves into sustainable approaches for utilizing both biotic and abiotic resources, fostering national development while preserving the environment.

Related Search:
Indian Weather System

Prelims Specific:
About PRITHvi VIgyan (PRITHVI)
Its Sub-schemes/ Components
Major Objectives/ Purpose
Its Significance
Impact and Future Prospects

Plant cells to produce drugs for cancer

Researchers at IIT Madras and Mandi have metabolically engineered plant cells to increase the production of the anti-cancer drug camptothecin (CPT).
Now the traditionally used plant won't be cut to produce this drug.


  • A plant native to India named Nathapodytes nimmoniana has been used for this allopathic medicine.
  • This is a native and endangered plant.
  • It requires nearly 1,000 tonnes of plant material to extract 1 tonne of camptothecin (CPT).
  • The International Union for Conservation of Nature has red-listed the plant as in the past decade alone there has been a 20% decline in the plant’s population.

In 2021, IIT Madras researchers published a research paper in which they identified a microbe as a sustainable and high-yielding alternative source for CPT.
Researchers from the Plant Cell Technology Lab of IIT Madras developed a genome-scale metabolic model for N. nimmoniana plant cells using computational tools.
The study could pave the way for effective and efficient commercial production of the
drug and other medicinally important alkaloids and reduce the need to cut down endangered plants.
The Science and Engineering Board (SERB) and the Department of Science and Technology funded the research.

Camptothecin is a natural alkaloid. 

It's known for its anti-cancer properties and is used as a precursor for the synthesis of chemotherapy drugs.

Camptothecin is majorly produced in the Southeast Asian region, with the plant being largely found only in China and India.
The Chinese variety of the plant used to extract the cell is listed as critically endangered.
There are only 4,000 of the species left.
In India, the plant is a native of western ghats and in the last decade, there was a 20% decline in population.

MoU on the development of a Joint Small Satellite

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed at Port Louis, Mauritius between ISRO and the Mauritius Research and Innovation Council (MRIC) concerning cooperation on the development of a Joint Small Satellite.


    • Signing of this MoU shall enable the joint realisation of small satellite between ISRO and MRIC.
    • The satellite realisation is proposed to be completed in 15 months time frame.
    • MoU will help to establish a framework for cooperation between ISRO and MRIC on the development of a joint satellite as well as for cooperation on the use of the MRIC’s Ground Station.
    • Some of the subsystems for the joint satellite will be taken up through the participation of Indian industries and would benefit the industry.
    • The estimated cost for realisation of the joint satellite is Rs.20 crore, which will be borne by the Government of India.
    • This MoU does not involve any other exchange of funds between the Parties.

India - Mauritius space cooperation:
The space cooperation between India and Mauritius is dated way back in late 1980s.
ISRO established a ground station in Mauritius for tracking and telemetry support for ISRO’s launch vehicle and satellite missions, under a country-level agreement signed in 1986 for this purpose.
The current space cooperation is being governed by the country-level agreement signed on 29.7.2009, which superseded the 1986 agreement mentioned above.
MRIC expressed interest in jointly developing a small satellite for Mauritius.
In response, MEA asked ISRO to start talks with MRIC for an India-Mauritius joint satellite.
MEA committed to funding its realization, launch, and operation.

Small satellite:
Small satellites, often called CubeSats.
They are compact spacecraft used for various purposes like Earth observation, scientific research, and technology demonstration.
They are cost-effective and typically have a standardized cube-shaped design, making them suitable for a wide range of missions.

Global food prices 2023: FAO

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reported that world food commodity prices fell by 13.7 per cent in 2023 compared to the previous year.

Catagory wise price change:

  • Cereals :
      • The FAO's cereals price index fell 15.4 percent in 2023 which reflects well supplied global markets, compared to 2022, when prices soared after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Russia and Ukraine are major grain exporters. 
  • Wheat & maize :
      • Supply concerns eased for wheat and maize.
  • Rice:
      • Rice prices jumped 21 percent last year due to the impact of the El Nino weather phenomenon and India restricting exports.
  • Sugar:
      • Sugar prices, on the contrary, jumped 26.7 percent overall last year, though they retreated from their highs in December because of Brazil's stepping up exports and reduced use of sugarcane for biofuels.
  • Vegetable oil:
      • The vegetable oil price index posted the biggest fall last year, dropping 32.7 percent.
Thanks to improved supplies and reduced use for biofuel production.
Though overall food price index have shown a decline in the year 2023 compared to 2022.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was founded on October 16, 1945.
It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that focuses on international efforts to combat hunger, promote agricultural development, and ensure food security.
The organization's structure includes a General Conference, which meets every two years and is composed of all member nations.
The Conference sets policies and approves the budget.
The FAO Council meets between Conference sessions and it acts as an interim governing body.
The FAO is led by a Director-General, and its headquarters are in Rome, Italy.
The organization has various departments and divisions that address specific aspects of food and agriculture, working towards sustainable development goals related to agriculture and food security.